
16 Octombrie 2018, la ora 20:18 / Publicat în Comunicate AJF de Attila Szabó / 428 vizualizări





A Hargita Megyei Labdarúgó Szövetség is csatlakozott a kéthetes Football People kampányhoz, amely a labdarúgáson belüli egységre hívja fel a figyelmet. Az 1999-ben létrehozott FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) szervezet október 11. és 25. között tartja az úgynevezett Football People kampányheteket. Az esemény célja, hogy felhívja a figyelmet a labdarúgásban és a társadalom egészében előforduló diszkriminációra és az egységet hirdesse.

FARE Action Weeks are organized every year in October by FARE (Football People Against Racism in Europe) and they last for 2 weeks. This event aims to unite supporters, clubs, ethnic minorities and communities affected by discrimination in Europe in an effort to make discrimination a thing of the past. The Football People weeks challenge all forms of discrimination, promote integration values amongst youth and celebrate the input of all individuals that strive to make football a game for all, regardless of who we are, where we are from and what our beliefs are.



Asociația de Fotbal Harghita sa alăturat campaniei Football People, care se va desfășura în perioada 11-25 octombrie si care atrage atenția asupra unității de fotbal. Acest proiect îşi propune ,prin activităţile sale, să-i înveţe pe tineri despre lupta împotriva discriminării, rasismului şi violenţei şi ce putem face pentru integrarea socială a celor discriminaţi.


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